Daniel Sharman as Troy Otto, Matt Lasky as Coop – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Warning: General spoilers ahead
So, in last week’s episode, the curtain was pulled back, and the man responsible for shooting down the helicopter and killing Travis was revealed. The man’s name is Qaletaqa Walker (Michael Greyeyes), and at first blush, especially with the horrific way in which he tortured and killed Phil McCarthy, seems like the series’ next villain. But, is he? If you believe what he said to Troy (Daniel Sharman) about “justice being served” and “the land you’re living on is to be returned,” it really makes you wonder what really went down between Walker’s people and the Otto’s and if perhaps Walker may be justified in his actions.
This is explored in the first half of Sunday’s episode after the search party finally make their way back to the ranch and everyone learns who is responsible for the helicopter attack and the slaughtering of their friends. Needless to say, it doesn’t go over very well. Of course, everyone is scared, but it’s Jeremiah Otto’s (Dayton Callie) reaction that really will make you pause. As you may recall from last week’s episode, Jake (Sam Underwood) was an attorney prior to the apocalypse, and as Jeremiah explains, Walker was a tribal lawyer and tried to sue them multiple times for “stealing their land.” Jeremiah then goes on a rant and continues to attack Walker saying, “He’s weak. That chicken-shit atrocity he pulled with Phil!” Madison (Kim Dickens) is also present for this meltdown, and that’s when things start to get interesting.
Well, did you steal their land? — Madison
Honey, every piece of land has been bought, sold, conquered or stolen. I feel your liberal judgement.. But, it’s not racism — Jeremiah
Later, we learn from Jake that while he didn’t know McCarthy personally, he could say that “he was not a good man.” Hmmmm….It’s becoming increasingly clear that at the very least, Troy and his father are racists, and we all saw how Troy and his men were popping off Mexicans in the season premiere just for kicks. Could it be that similar horrors were done to Walker’s men, and he’s simply trying to protect his land and his people? I have a feeling we’ll be finding out soon, but it wouldn’t surprise me.
One thing is for sure, Jeremiah Otto is definitely not equipped to handle the unrest brewing at the ranch as a result of the attacks by Walker and the Indians. People are obviously scared and are wanting to leave, and instead of leading and coming up with a plan, Jeremiah drowns himself at the bottom of a bottle. So, the burden comes down on Troy and Madison’s shoulders instead. Executive Producer Gale Ann Hurd said in a recent interview that after Travis’ death, it is now clear that Madison would ultimately evolve into the Rick Grimes of the show. She made that statement a couple of weeks ago, and at the time, I actually laughed out loud. I saw very few leadership qualities in Madison, she felt weak to me, and with all due respect, Daniel Salazar seemed like a better fit. However, after seeing Sunday’s episode, I am very glad to report that I’m now warming up to the idea.
As would be expected, Troy doesn’t handle the adversity at the ranch very well. Even though Jeremiah had given them permission, Troy causes a big scene when Vernon Trimbol and his family tries to leave the ranch. He picks a fight with Jake, who has very different ideas on how to handle the volatile situation. And, yes, without spoiling the big punchline of the episode, Troy does commit atrocities as horrific as we have witnessed him do before. By now, I think most people would have given up on Troy, and if it had been Rick Grimes, he may have even killed the punk kid. But, not Madison. Somehow, she is still able to see the militia’s leader in him, and after some coaching, Troy does finally emerge at the end of the episode as the leader the ranch so desperately needs now.
Lastly, what about Ofelia? That seems to be the question on everyone’s mind. Unfortunately, Ofelia is still MIA in Sunday’s episode, but if you have a keen eye (or if you read my review of last week’s episode), you probably have a pretty good idea of where she’s at. “All Out War” may be coming to The Walking Dead in season 8, but another war is brewing on Fear The Walking Dead — and from the looks of things, not all of our heroes will be on the same side.
Episode 3.06 of Fear The Walking Dead is titled “Red Dirt” and airs tomorrow at 9/8c on AMC.
Frank Dillane as Nick Clark – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Kim Dickens as Madison Clark, Dayton Callie as Jeremiah Otto – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Frank Dillane as Nick Clark, Dayton Callie as Jeremiah Otto – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Frank Dillane as Nick Clark, Dayton Callie as Jeremiah Otto – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Frank Dillane as Nick Clark, Dayton Callie as Jeremiah Otto – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Frank Dillane as Nick Clark, Dayton Callie as Jeremiah Otto – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Daniel Sharman as Troy Otto, Matt Lasky as Coop – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Daniel Sharman as Troy Otto – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Kim Dickens as Madison Clark, Frank Dillane as Nick Clark – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Frank Dillane as Nick Clark, Daniel Sharman as Troy Otto – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Frank Dillane as Nick Clark, Daniel Sharman as Troy Otto – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Alycia Debnam-Carey as Alicia Clark – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Rae Gray as Gretchen Trimbol – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Alycia Debnam-Carey as Alicia Clark, Sam Underwood as Jake Otto – Fear the Walking Dead _ Season 3, Episode 6 – Photo Credit: Richard Foreman, Jr/AMC
Geeky computer and math nerd by day and TV fanatic by night. My beats are The Walking Dead, The Strain, Person of Interest, Z Nation, and anything that most people would call freaky. Editor-In-Chief and Lead Writer of TVGeekTalk.com
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