Alphas “If Memory Serves”
“Today I killed a man, and that’s not something I want to forget” – Kat Tonight’s episode marks Kat’s (Erin Way) return from her FBI training and her becoming an official member of Dr. Rosen’s (David ...Read More »
Alphas “Life After Death”
“Life after death” is a phrase that typically refers to an out-of-body experience or resurrection of the soul upon the death of a person. With the demise of Dani Rosen (Kathleen Munroe) in last week’s episode, one may think this ...Read More »
Alphas “The Devil Will Drag You Under”
For the past ten or eleven episodes, beginning with the penultimate episode from season 1, we’ve been taken on a journey, and that journey has been Stanton Parish (John Pyper-Ferguson). A good deal of television series introduces their villains quickly, ...Read More »
Alphas “Falling”
One of my favorite Alphas episodes from season 1 was “Bill and Gary’s Excellent Adventure”. While it’s one of the episodes I am the most fond of, the irony is I really can’t remember the case from that episode. What ...Read More »
Alphas “Gods and Monsters”
Power tends to corrupt. And, absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely. Besides being all-knowing, a God is often characterized as all-powerful. Unfortunately, as the above saying warns, unless closely guarded, immense power can quickly lead to ...Read More »
Alphas “Alphaville”
Well, since the beginning of season, I have always thought that we’d see one of our beloved Alphas go to the “dark side” and join Stanton Parish (John Pyper-Ferguson). I had wondered if it might be Nina (Laura Mennell) in ...Read More »
Alphas “Gaslight”
“Gaslighting” is a term that refers to getting someone to think a certain way and to do things the person wouldn’t normally do. This pretty much sums up tonight’s episode, with virtually everyone on Dr.. Rosen’s (David Stathairn) team seeing ...Read More »
Alphas “When Push Comes To Shove”
One of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. With some of the actions by one of the characters in last night’s episode, we are left wondering if this character ...Read More »
Alphas “The Quick and the Dead”
Last week, we saw the reunion of Dr. Rosen (David Strathairn) and his team after the Alphas from the infamous “Building 17” of Binghampton escaped and the government realized they needed them. The episode ended with Stanton Parish (John Pyper-Ferguson) ...Read More »
Alphas “Wake Up Call”
While it seemed like an eternity ago (almost a year, in fact!), season 1 of Alphas ended with Dr. Rosen (David Strathairn) revealing before a Congressional panel, as well as the rest of the world, that Alphas do exist, and ...Read More »