The Calm Before The Perfect Storm, The Walking Dead “Try”
Warning: Spoilers ahead for those who have not seen the season 5 penultimate episode “Try.” In my review of last week’s brutal episode “Spend,” I said a major sh*tstorm was brewing with absolutely nothing going right for Rick and Co. ...Read More »
Ramse Makes His Big Move In 12 Monkeys “Divine Move”
Last week’s episode left both Cole (Aaron Stanford) and Ramse (Kirk Acevedo) in a pretty bad place, especially for Ramse. He discovers that he helped slaughter the very people who had worked so hard to find a cure, and in ...Read More »
2 Deaths, A Betrayal, And A Threat Within, The Walking Dead “Spend”
Warning: Spoilers ahead for those who have not seen episode 5.14 “Spend” We are nearing the end of season 5, and as with any other season, people are starting to get nervous with the smell of death getting closer and ...Read More »
The Fall Of A Hero In 12 Monkeys “Tomorrow”
First, a big congratulations to 12 Monkeys on the season 2 renewal. It’s always a nail-biter this time of year, and I am so glad I can enjoy the rest of the season knowing we’re going to get plenty more ...Read More »
The Walking Dead Comic Issue #138 “Confrontation” Review
At the end of the last issue of The Walking Dead comics, things did not look good for anyone. Gregory made a very amateurish attempt to poison Maggie to gain control and become the new leader. In the meantime, Carl ...Read More »
Go In Peace In Helix’s “Vade In Pace”
The title of tonight’s episode is “Vade In Pace,” which is Latin for “Go In Peace.” This is a Roman saying that literally means “Good-bye.” I thought this was a very fitting title given the overall theme of the ...Read More »
12 Monkeys “Yesterday” Review
At the end of last week’s episode, things looked pretty grim for our Cole (Aaron Stanford). On a positive note, all the signs pointed to the plague being stopped by the destruction of Wexler’s compound in Chechnya. However, the cost ...Read More »
Pridgen’s Out But Is He Gone For Good In Chicago Fire “Red Rag The Bull”
We knew things were bad last week when Pridgen (Matthew Del Negro) came on board, and it was obvious they were about to spiral out of control after Casey’s (Jesse Spencer) little fling with Pridgen’s ex-wife came to light. Well, ...Read More »
12 Monkeys’ Answer To The Snowden Crisis In “The Keys”
Each week I go into the new 12 Monkeys episode thinking this will be the one where we’ll all say “Ah ha!” and everything will start to make sense. However, the complete opposite has occurred with each episode delving us ...Read More »
Things Really Will Be Better Now, The Walking Dead “The Distance” Review
Scott Gimple and the rest of The Walking Dead writers have an impeccable talent of starting with the original comic book material, embellishing it when necessary but also recognizing when a series of scenes are so well-written, so polished that it would ...Read More »